
In this exploration of meta-orchestration, we’ll cover several key areas. We’ll start by simplifying the concept of containers and how they’re managed, then investigate containerization tools. After that, we’ll dig into the core of orchestration and meta-orchestration, finish with a focus on how this topic is relevant in the NEMO project.

What Are Containers?

Containers represent a transformative approach to software packaging and deployment, emphasizing portability, efficiency, and isolation. These technology constructs encapsulate applications and their dependencies, ensuring consistent execution across diverse environments.

They excel in portability, allowing developers to create applications once and run them anywhere, whether on-premises, in the cloud, or in hybrid setups. They promote efficiency by sharing the host operating system’s kernel, resulting in a lightweight and resource-efficient solution. Security is enhanced through isolation, as each container operates within its own protected environment, reducing potential security vulnerabilities. In essence, containers are versatile vessels that underpin various containerization tools, such as Docker, Podman, LXD, and others, to provide a consistent, efficient, and secure approach to application deployment and management.

What Is Orchestration?

Orchestration in the realm of IT refers to the systematic automation, coordination, and management of various components and tasks within a system to efficiently achieve specific objectives or workflows.

Orchestration tools are like the conductors of complex systems. They ensure that all the different components work together seamlessly, whether it’s deploying and scaling applications, provisioning resources, managing configurations, or handling workflows. Traditional orchestration tools like Kubernetes and OpenShift have been very successful in this domain, providing a structured and repeatable way to manage and automate tasks across systems.

By automating these tasks, orchestration not only improves efficiency but also reduces the risk of errors, enhances consistency, and enables scalability. In essence, it’s the conductor that ensures all the infrastructure play in harmony, resulting in smoother operations and efficient resource utilization.

Meta-Orchestration: Coordinating the Orchestrators

Meta-orchestration represents the art and science of managing and coordinating multiple orchestration systems within an organization’s IT infrastructure, crafting a unified and streamlined operational landscape. It functions as the central control layer, orchestrating interactions among various orchestration tools and technologies.

Meta-orchestration assumes the role of the conductor, bringing harmony to this intricate composition. Leveraging technologies like Kubernetes, Apache Airflow, Genie by Netflix, or Open Cluster Management, it establishes centralized command and control.

Considering the scenario of scaling cloud-native applications, managing configurations, and ensuring consistency across clusters, the meta-orchestration simplifies this task. Scaling policies are defined, and the meta-orchestrator takes care of distributing workloads efficiently across clusters, allocating resources as needed for optimal performance.

Moreover, meta-orchestration acts as a unifying force, ensuring synchronization of updates and configurations across the entire ecosystem. This synchronization minimizes discrepancies and errors, promoting a seamless flow of operations.

In essence, meta-orchestration empowers the orchestrators to work cohesive, with efficient workflows, and ensuring that each tool plays a unique yet coordinated role in the IT operations within the platform.

Meta-Orchestration in the Context of NEMO

In the NEMO project, meta-orchestration takes center stage, orchestrating a complex symphony of IoT nodes, fog clusters, edge, and cloud infrastructures. It enables semi-autonomous AIoT nodes to operate efficiently, reducing latency and performing complex operations locally, optimizing data processing. Trusted edge nodes facilitate federated on-device learning, data sovereignty, and secure execution of tasks, ensuring AI functions even in low-network-coverage environments. The meta-orchestration dynamically configures the NEMO ecosystem, adapting to changing priorities, latency, energy efficiency, and carbon footprint, making it a pivotal component in the NEMO’s vision of a flexible and efficient meta-operating system.